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Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover:
Autumn Leaves by Peter allchin

Let's face it: not every writer is a graphic designer, and hiring one can be expensive. So, while the saying goes "don’t judge a book by its cover," we all know we do it anyway. Why? Because humans are wired to make quick judgments based on visual cues. A book's cover is the first interaction we have with it, giving an immediate impression.

Visuals are powerful; they evoke emotions, set the tone, and create expectations for the reading experience. So yes, a cover does matter. It’s rooted in our need for quick, efficient decision-making.
I recently read this free chapbook on B&N Nook called Autumn Leaves by Peter Allchin

Why This Micro Chapbook?

First, It was a free micro chapbook

Honestly, the cover looks like it was made in PowerPoint, which makes it appear cheap and unappealing.

Redesigning the Cover

I’m new to designing book covers, but here’s my take:

Bringing the Title to Life

I used a cluster of autumn leaves as background to be relevant to the title. The leaves are realistically rendered with visible textures and details, drawing the eye and inviting readers.

The Title

The title “Autumn Leaves” is set in a clean, elegant serif font that complements the overall design. The larger size makes it easily readable, and the placement at the bottom provides a strong visual anchor. The author’s name and subtitle are in a smaller, simpler font, allowing the title to take center stage.

I also thought it was important to note that this is a micro poetry chapbook because nowhere in description does it tell you that. I think its important for readers to know what they’re getting into.

My Book Review

Favorite Line from the book:
“When Mankind is in the Autumn of his life”-Autumn

Favorite Poem: Weather

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